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2018 International Plant Breeding Course (IPBC2018)
Lanzhou University, China

【来源:草地农业科技学院 | 发布日期:2018-07-04 | 作者:办公室 】    

Course objective:

To provide a training in applied plant breeding, and an understanding of the application of key molecular tools in marker assisted selection. The main focus of this course will be on the application of theory and tools to improve the efficiency of cultivar development programs.

Language of instruction: English.

Participants: All scientists, postgraduates and applied field breeders from “One Belt and One Road” countries including Africa are welcome to participate in the IPBC2018.

Course lecturers from: Australia, China, New Zealand, USA.


Course duration: three weeks, 10th to 28th September, 2018


Course content*:

·       Week 1

o   Introduction to plant breeding,

o   Plant genetic resources,

o   Plant breeding statistics,

o   Quantitative genetics,

o   Tutorials/discussion,

·       Week 2

o   Plant breeding trial design & data analysis?,

o   Data analysis using DeltaGen – advanced application,

o   Plant breeding methods for cross & self-pollinating crops,

o   Breeding field crops,

o   Tutorials/discussion,

·       Week 3

o   Introduction to molecular tools in plant breeding,

o   Application of basic molecular techniques,

o   Discussion of marker assisted selection in plant breeding.

o   Basics of seed production,

o   Conclusion,

o   Awarding of Diploma in Plant Breeding.


*The course will consist of lectures, laboratory demonstrations and tutorials.

?Plant breeding trial design and data analysis will be based on the new plant breeding software “DeltaGen” available as freeware. Link:   http://agrubuntu.cloudapp.net/PlantBreedingTool/


Course coordinators:

Dr Jiyu Zhang, Lanzhou University, China, zhangjy@lzu.edu.cn

Dr Zulfi Jahufer, AgResearch, New Zealand, zulfi.jahufer@agresearch.co.nz

Accommodation, tuition and bench fees: Will be financed by the “One Belt and One Road” program.


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